VOC Dump Stuivers; Trincomalee mint: The minting of these coins anywhere but at Colombo was disapproved by Batavia. Since however, the mint at Colombo was already overtaxed and it had to rush to be able to supply Jaffna and Galle with coining material before the end of the sailing season, minting was continued at Jaffna and after 1789, at the strategic port city of Trincomalee, in the North-west of Ceylon Scholten refers to the Trincomalee coins as "for the most part the coins made here are square or are at any rate very irregular in shape". Actually, all the dumps coins of Ceylon are of irregular shape but in the case of Trincomalee, the dumps tend to be clipped in a triangular shape for the most part. This usually results in the coins having either a good part of the monogram and/or the reverse details chopped off. The Trincomalee Stuiver with the complete reverse circle intact is believed to be unique.